At a time when the subject of the looming threat of nuclear WWIII has become a routine in the political and media circles, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) takes center stage to participate in the peace efforts to repeat what his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, and father, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. did before their assassination during the October 1962 Cuban missile crisis, i.e., to save humanity from nuclear holocaust.
According to the National Security Archive, “Robert Kennedy was the Chief Advisor, Confidant, and the Chief Secret Intermediary for John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
Of course, the times are different. In 1962, America was not so polarized and had a president respected by most of its citizens. JFK was in a position to resist the warmongers in his cabinet who insisted on starting a nuclear war with the USSR. He also had a strategic vision for peace and coexistence with other nations, which he later outlined in his famous “A Strategy of Peace” commencement address delivered at the American University in Washington, D.C., on June 10, 1963.
Contrary to President Joe Biden and the “Lady-in-Waiting” Kamala Harris, who are insisting on inflicting strategic defeat on Russia and claiming the right for America’s world leadership, JFK had a different message: “What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the enslaved person. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children–not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women–not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.” JFK also called for Americans “to respect and understand the Soviet Union and its people, to remember their common history and sacrifices during World War II.”
The conflict in Ukraine for Kennedy is nothing more than a result of the struggle for U.S. global hegemony
Judging from the statements made by RFK, Jr. during his August 23 speech, he has a similar vision for American foreign policy that might resolve the current crisis and avoid Armageddon. He accused the party he once belonged to of betraying its core values and turning it into a party of war, censorship, corruption, and big money.
Whether he gets a prominent position as Secretary of State or National Security Advisor in the future Trump administration is not assured, of course, since in the coming weeks, we will witness an unprecedented mega-hateful campaign with unpredictable results and dramatic consequences.
RFK. Jr. ‘s endorsement of Trump during his August 23, 2024, speech threw a powerful wrench into the election cycle. He is not terminating the presidential campaign but withdrawing from ten battleground states that traditionally decide the election results. This is done to avoid spoiling Trump’s chances, who pledges to stop the war in Ukraine and shares many of RFK, Jr.’s foreign and domestic policy goals.
When it comes to Ukraine, RFK, Jr. did not hesitate to say that it became “a proxy in a geopolitical struggle initiated by the ambitions of the U.S. neocons for American global hegemony…. it is a reckless neocon project of extending NATO to encircle Russia: a hostile act…. and the Biden White House repeatedly spurned Russia’s offer to settle this war peacefully.”
After endorsing Trump, Robert Kennedy risks finding himself at the eye of the storm, “organized” by the Deep State
One must expect that the whole DNC machinery, the Deep State, Washington swamp, and other parties of war will be reenergized to use its enormous powers to prevent RFK. Jr. from implementing his ideas.
Nevertheless, when many observers like Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker say that we are “losing our soul, sense of purpose as a society, identity as a civilization,” people like RFK. Jr. confirm that there is the “Other America” that rejects hegemonic ambitions and is ready to live in peace with other nations.
The “Other America” understands that after the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine, free from the communist yoke, having a solid industrial and agricultural base, a favorable climate, and fertile land, had great potential to become one of the most prosperous European nations. For the regions with large Russian ethnic populations, a certain level of autonomy, neutral status, and non-membership in any military blocs was necessary.
However, Washington, starting with Bill Clinton, had another agenda. Billions of dollars were poured into Ukraine, not to boost its economy but to reformat public opinion that favored neutral status and against joining NATO. That eventually led first to the Western-backed 2004 Orange regime change, followed by the February 2014 Maidan coup that installed a pro-NATO government in Ukraine.
Judging from RFK, JR.’s statements, he shares the ideas of such prominent representatives of “The Other” America as John Mearsheimer or Benjamin Abelow, who laid out the relevant history and explained how the West needlessly produced this conflict, subjecting its citizens—and the rest of the world—to the risk of nuclear war.
He also agrees with Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who is now one of the most outspoken critics of the White House foreign policy. According to Sachs, “Peace would be based on the shared recognition that there can be no global hegemon and that the common good requires active cooperation among the major powers.”