Democrats are nervously looking for a plausible excuse to get Biden out of the presidential race
When any figure of national reputation announces their departure or dies in office, the universally polite lie is proclaimed in unison that he/she/transgender/”it” – “leaves a vacuum.”
But when President Joe Biden either stands down this weekend or early next week or announces that he will withdraw his name from renomination for a second even more catastrophic four-year term at the Democratic Party’s Chicago Convention next month, a vacuum will not have been created. It will already have been filled.
For Biden was never there in the first place. He was and is the original “Nowhere Man.”
As I have repeatedly pointed out before in these columns, this is not the sad decline into senility and gibberish of a once admired and revered brilliant towering, national figure: Biden was already this way at age 45 when I observed his hilariously bungled bid for the presidency back in 1988.
Let’s read between the lines of the announcement
How then should we interpret the announcement on Wednesday this week that Biden has been diagnosed as having COVID?
First, it is most likely just another bare faced lie from a president and his imperial court who shred and torture the truth with their every breath so routinely that deceit has become the norm to measure and misread reality for all of them.
Nor should we see this – as it is of course already being presented by the threadbare bedraggled spin doctors in whom Biden has witlessly trusted for so long – as an example of the president’s “courage,” “grace under pressure,” “brave struggle against inevitable infirmities,” etc., etc.
All this COVID announcement does is start the process of creating a cover story for Biden to bow out of the presidency pleading “new” health issues.
For this is vital in order to cover up the obvious fact that the entire Democratic Party, Biden’s Cabinet, his White House inner circle and the US mainstream media – most culpably the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and CBS News, as well as PBS – have all failed in their duty.
All of them over the past three and a half years have deliberately refused to report upon, admit or inform the American public, as was their clear duty to do so, the fact that the chief executive of a thermonuclear superpower in supposed control of the nuclear codes was neither rational nor capable, and that he had not been so since he entered office back in January 2021.
Instead, the label of mad warmonger was pasted on Donald Trump, the first president in 40 years NOT to start any new war while he sat in the Oval Office.
And this ridiculous line was then branded on every moron in America: and there are surely at least a quarter of a billion of them.
As I have previously pointed out, benefitting from the genius insight of Philip K. Dick, greatest of surrealistic US science fiction writers, in his classic “Time Out of Joint” novel, written 65 years ago, all you need to do to get hundreds of millions of people to believe any absurdity is just write a couple of words on a label and tell them to believe it.
This simple insight explains the continuing prosperity and success of the advertising industry across the United States especially over the past 70 years when what had been the greatest concentration of industry, technical and engineering expertise and innovation and wealth ever created in a single society was all thrown away.
None of this was done because of the evil perfidy of the Soviet Union, Japan, Germany, China or anyone else. It was all done because of the limitless greed and incomparable, measureless stupidity of the Americans themselves.
This “Biden has COVID” absurdity is a tiny lie really compared with the bigger ones that have manipulated 600,000 Ukrainians to their needless deaths in a war against Russia that Russia never wanted – or the mass-suicide stupidity and evil of the leaders of the United States and NATO in pushing Russia into a nuclear existential showdown.
Against such Himalayas-scale lies and deceits, what is a tiny claim that a senile old president clearly in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s Disease, dementia and Who Knows What Else now has contracted COVID too?
Therefore, expect this COVID to get the Biden Family, the Biden administration and the imperial eunuchs who hold real power in the White House off the hook!
“Look! Our Beloved, Commanding President Jed Bartlet of the fictional TV show ‘The West Wing,’ (for 20 years now the wet dream of all ‘serious’ Democrats) aka Joe Biden, is being forced by a Cruel Fate to stand down from his Post of Heroic Duty as the Brave Captain of Our Ship of State!”
In reality of course, they are just greasing the wheels to get the bewildered old coot out, wheel him off stage and hope everyone then forgets him as quickly as possible.
It is, of course, just the start of the process to get Biden out of office pleading ill health over the next few days without having to admit that he was a worthless senile empty shell for the past three and half years all along.
It is going to be hilarious to see how they feed the story that this dynamic, all-alert charismatic “great” leader has been so suddenly and unexpectedly struck down “in his prime” – and how 200 million morons or so will eagerly believe it.
However, America’s National Nightmare will continue.