An article by: Martin Sieff
The Doomed Blimp

On the surface, Kamala Harris's campaign is going quite well: she is raising tens of millions of dollars in donations, her rallies are well attended.... But in her first real decision as Democratic Party leader and presidential candidate, Harris chose Tim Walz as her vice presidential candidate, and she chose poorly.

Tim Walz

Tim Walz isn’t even a big, unflyable airship, he’s a useless imploding blimp: without any steel structure, backbone and short even on hot air.

In her first actual decision as Democratic Party leader and presidential standard bearer, Kamala Harris crashed and burned. She chose Walz, the veteran governor of Minnesota, as her vice-presidential running mate, and she chose badly.

It is very clear why Harris chose Walz and equally clear why he will be a catastrophic choice for her.

Walz, 60, is certainly a political veteran. He represented his state of Minnesota for 12 years in the House of Representatives and then for two terms as its governor. This looks like a solid, experienced resume to balance Harris’s pitiful complete lack of any experience and achievement whatsoever on the national level.

Historically, such picks of supposedly more moderate and experienced politicians have indeed reassured centrist American voters – who are generally not very bright (though of course they imagine that they are) and ready to buy superficial cliches.

This is why President Franklin Roosevelt chose House Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas as his vice-presidential running mate in 1932, why Harry Truman chose Senator Alben Barkley in 1948, why John F. Kennedy picked Lyndon B. Johnson in 1960 (the two men always loathed each other), why Ronald Reagan chose George Herbert Walker Bush in 1980, and why even the dim but fitfully cunning George W. Bush chose Dick Cheney in 2000.

Even ridiculous Joe Biden served Barack Obama well in that capacity in 2008, just as former Iowa Governor Mike Pence did for Donald Trump in 2016.

Walz had served for many years in the Minnesota National Guard, supposedly displaying his patriotism, personal bravery, and manhood, all of which became a theme of numerous memes

It also seemed to Harris’s slick but far from deep advisers and analysts that Walz would guarantee them the electoral votes of Minnesota in November – one of the key battleground states. And that his “experience” as a veteran governor would bring her credibility.

Also, Walz had served for many years in the Minnesota National Guard, supposedly displaying his patriotism, personal bravery and manhood. This is something Democrats have copiously lacked in their national leaders since the departure of the aforesaid Lyndon Johnson at the beginning of 1969 – 55 years ago.

Harris was certainly right to pass over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. While capable enough in his state, he has been on the national scene a nonentity even by Tim Walz standards.

I live in New Jersey, which has a long state line and close interactions with Pennsylvania, and before Joe Biden stepped down, yet I had never heard of Shapiro.

Also, although Pennsylvania has a massive conservative community, in national elections it can always be guaranteed to go Democrat.

That is because the Democratic political machine in Philadelphia always delivers its presidential votes last of all in the state and ensures there are enough to decide the result for their own party by outnumbering Pennsylvania’s many conservative regions – just as they delivered for Biden in 2020.

Further, picking Shapiro, who is Jewish, would have alienated the increasingly large and vocal Muslim vote that the Democrats increasingly must rely upon across America. By contrast, Minnesota has a massive, vocal and militant Somali Muslim community, and Walz has had long success in pandering to them. This, of course, can never be admitted by the cowardly and dishonest US mainstream media.

Vance, Donald Trump’s Republican vice presidential candidate, is already going after Walz

But in typical Kamala Harris fashion, her choice of Walz, universally praised with Hosannas and “Te Deum” prayers by the witless liberal media, is already blowing up in her face. J.D. Vance, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s running mate and campaign attack dog, is already going after Walz and is exposing one of his most supposedly macho, masculine qualifications as totally fake.

Walz did indeed serve for some years in the Minnesota State National Guard – just as the equally phony and fraudulent two-term Republican President George W. Bush did in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. But right before his unit would have deployed him overseas for real duty, he smoothly and conveniently ducked out of it.

Twenty-four years ago, the Republican attack dog media predictably rallied to cover up George W. Bush’s contemptible fake macho credentials and real cowardice.

By contrast, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry had been a real combat veteran, leader of men and a genuine hero, commanding a US Navy swift boat on the highly dangerous Mekong River during the Vietnam War. When he won the Democratic presidential nomination in Boston that year, I personally witnessed the survivors of his old crew – and they were Republicans to a man – all loyally march on stage and endorse him.

Walz today cannot dream of that kind of endorsement. Maybe Harris should have made Kerry her running mate this year.

Already we see the media battle lines drawn up: liberal outlets across America are claiming with ludicrous hysteria and absurdity that Walz is a “real man” who is “exposing” Vance’s and Trump’s supposedly phony posturing.

Harris gave the Republicans a huge gift by choosing Walz, who has the dynamism and charisma of a dead cow

The Democrats’ own dim, well-brainwashed base – at least 50 million votes strong, probably more – will happily swallow this bilious nonsense with all the predictability of their usual Pavlovian reflexes. But it will outrage and energize Trump’s core base across the country and alienate National Guard vets of whom there are millions across America too. Just speaking to a few of them here in liberal New Jersey has already convinced me of this.

Also, on the broad, national scene and the strategy of the three-month campaign to the November 5 election, Harris has made the Republicans an enormous gift by picking Walz.

For since the George Floyd riots of May 2020, Walz’s state government and the entire state of Minnesota have been a byword for rioting, political correctness, the appeasement of street thugs and violence with looting run rampant across its cities.

Ironically, Trump, while president, personally congratulated Walz on the way he handled the riots at the time, but the emotive film footage of Minneapolis burning, which the Republicans can be expected to run during the campaign, will obliterate that fine distinction.

All the Republicans have to do is run footage of Minneapolis in flames for weeks on end during the Floyd protest riots, and middle-class independents and swing voters will flock to the Republicans.

This is especially so since Vance now is already serving as Trump’s aggressive attack dog leaving the candidate the option – which Trump really should take – of appearing to be magisterial and statesmanlike above the fray.

This campaign tactic worked brilliantly for William McKinley using Theodore Roosevelt in 1900, for the supposedly saintly and all-wise (he wasn’t) Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 using Richard Nixon, and for Nixon himself using the distasteful but effective Spiro Agnew (governor of Maryland) in 1968 and 1972. Like TR and certainly Nixon, Agnew knew how to bite.

By now, it is clear that far from being macho and manly, as the ludicrous mainstream US media are claiming, Walz is a capon. Harris, whom I have compared previously in these columns to the ridiculous and unflyable giant British 1930 airship, the R101, has picked a literal blimp – a gasbag without any supporting backbone or steel structural framework to hold it together – as her running mate.

Walz has all the dynamism and charisma of a dead cow.

Harris had indeed far better alternatives she could have chosen from.

One is Gretchen Whitmer, Democratic governor of Michigan. She is about as competent and successful as any ideological Democrat burdened with the party’s unworkable DEI [diversity-equity-inclusion], high taxation, nonexistent law and order and green energy policies can possibly be. But she is personally energetic, credible and competent. She would have made a far better national candidate than Harris, had Biden not been so ineffably stupid – as usual – in picking her as his successor.

And there is Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. He has national experience and credibility and comes with none of Walz’s embarrassing baggage. And he can swing a crucial border state that in any fair election the Democrats otherwise look certain to lose and badly need.

But Kelly is just too conventionally and realistically masculine, effective and credible for Harris to choose him, and that is precisely the Democrats’ deeper problem.

For there is a deeper issue underlying Harris’s stupid selection of Walz. Apart from the cunning old personally sleazy and notoriously womanizing but extremely intelligent and charming Bill Clinton, the Democrats have not been able to field a white alpha male for the presidency since Lyndon Johnson running 60 years ago in 1964.

The only credible male dynamic national leader Democrats have produced in all that time was Barack Obama

The only credible male national dynamic leader they have produced in all that time was, tellingly, the one black African American president so far – Barack Obama. And Obama brought a public dignity and charisma to the White House that no male Democrat has been capable of since John F Kennedy himself. And he was murdered in 1963.

Indeed, the only dignified credible male leaders in the Democratic Party for decades now have been African American ones. They include Obama of course, Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries – a blessed relief after the decades of inanity from previous House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, still vomiting absurd lies today like Mount Etna in continuous eruption.

But what has happened to all the white male Democrats?

The simple answer is that in public at least they have all been psychologically castrated.

Militant feminism has radicalized the women political activists of the Democratic Party across the United States – all their suburban middle class and urban base, which includes the same childless, abortion-obsessed constituencies that J.D. Vance has outraged already.

But that same mindless ultra-feminism so eagerly embraced by Hillary Clinton and her successors has degraded the manhood of the Democratic Party to the level of Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, whose childish prancing and deportment are as absurd as his name.

Of course, none of this means Harris and Walz are doomed to lose: but in any free and fair national election, it is increasingly possible that they will.

That is because the fall of the Dow Jones Index in the days before I wrote these words and the crisis sweeping the Tokyo Stock Market suggest the long feared next global economic crisis may indeed hit in late September or October, as these things are prone to.

Also, the abominable US confrontation with Russia over Ukraine and the ever-escalating Middle East crisis from Gaza to the Red Sea present Kamala Harris, as well as the invisible and useless but still supposedly in power Joe Biden, with threatening global cascades of woe they have not a clue how to handle.

What the Democrats therefore need right now in their leaders are real men – and real women (Just think of Margaret Thatcher).

But, instead, they are stuck with Biden, Harris – and now Walz.

The doomed airship has found her sidekick blimp.

But Walz can’t fly either.

Writer, Journalist, Political Analyst

Martin Sieff