Gianandrea Gaiani

Historical and strategic analyst
Gianandrea Gaiani

Journalist and graduate of modern history faculty. Since 1988, engaged in historical and strategic analysis, conflict research and reporting from theaters of war. From 1991 to 2014, he followed conflicts in the Balkans, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Sahara, Mozambique, and the Sahel.

Head of Defense Analysis since 2000. Collaborates with newspapers and weeklies, universities and military schools. He is a commentator for television and radio networks. Author of several books, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Italian Peace Wars, Immigration, the Great Humanitarian Farce, and The Last War Against Europe. At the Ministry of Interior since 2018, he has served as security policy advisor to two ministers and a deputy minister.

Academic, Rio de Janeiro University

Emilio Lèbre La Rovere

French academician, political scientist, professor emeritus at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris

Marc Lazar

Analyst at Catholic University

Giorgia Perletta

Writer, Journalist, Political Analyst

Martin Sieff

Professor at the London School of Economics

Robert H. Wade

Diplomat, former Italian Ambassador to Madrid, London, and Moscow

Pasquale Quito Terracciano