Artificial Intelligence: Chinese ERNIE Bot Is ChatGPT’s Counterpart

China officially enters the world of artificial intelligence with the ERNIE Bot.
This chatbot was created by Baidu, a Chinese IT giant (comparable to Google), which, after an initial test version, made the AI service available on its official website on August 31, 2023.
“By making the ERNIE Bot available to hundreds of millions of Internet users, Baidu will gather tremendous and valuable feedback from people in the real world,” said Baidu President and CEO Robin Li, according to the Chinese Xinhua news agency. “This will help improve the Baidu base model, as well as update the ERNIE Bot much faster, which ultimately translates into a superior user experience.”
Just like ChatGPT, this AI application can also be “educated,” i.e., it learns from the large amount of data it receives over the network, in order to then generate responses similar to those that a human could provide.