So says the macroeconomic forecasts of the institute based at Palazzo Koch in Rome
Italian GDP will grow by 0.5% In 2024. That’s what is written in the economic forecasts compiled by the Bank of Italy, which estimates average annual growth of 1% over the next three years.
The 0.5% estimate is different from what was reported by the Ministry of Finance in the Structural Budget Plan for September 2024, i.e. an increase of 0.7%. The reason is that the Bank of Italy estimates are correct based on different numbers of working days.
As for inflation, the institution estimates a rise of 1.1% this year, 1.5% in 2025 and 2026, and therefore 3% in 2027. This increase will mainly be driven by “the coming lesser negative contribution of the energy component.”
Finally, the Bank of Italy explains that the introduction of any protectionist policy creates high uncertainty in the outlook, and to this must be added the ongoing conflicts that could affect external but also domestic demand due to the deterioration of confidence of families and businesses.