Apple has just launched the new iPhone15 family of smartphones, and as is always the case with new products from the Cupertino group, there are already very long waiting lists. Even in China.
Anyone who wants to order an iPhone 15 Pro Max (the most powerful of this series) on Apple’s Chinese website will have to wait up to five weeks; for the iPhone 15 Pro, two to three weeks are enough; for the 15 Plus, even less. This was reported by Reuters, specifying that more than 3.4 million copies have already been pre-ordered from the large Chinese online store
The news appears to refute rumors of Apple’s possible demise in China after restrictions that Beijing may have wanted to apply to its most famous mobile phone but were refuted by the Chinese Foreign Minister.
China is Apple’s third market, and the American company – at least based on early sales data – can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on other issues. The main one is to reclaim the position of Huawei, the world’s former leading smartphone maker, which is relaunching in style with the new Mate 60. This device is equipped with a particularly advanced chip. Huawei Technologies has increased its Mate 60 shipment forecast by 20% in the second half of 2023 and plans to ship 40 million phones (all models) in the same period.