“‘Praise God’ is the title of this letter. Because a person who imagines that he can replace God becomes the worst danger to himself.”
Pope Francis, eight years after his encyclical Laudato sì (Praise be to You), returns to environmental issues, “As time goes on, I realize that we are not responding enough, as the world that accepted us is crumbling and may be approaching a tipping point.” Caring for creation is the central theme of the apostolic exhortation “Laudate Deum,” which was not incidentally distributed today, October 4, the Day of Francis of Assisi.
Although some try to “relativize” them, the signs of climate change are now obvious to all, and the pontiff is reviewing the – insufficient – attempts made by people around the world to create for themselves the rules necessary to keep the temperature rise within 1.5 degrees. Also mentioned is the weakness of international politics, which does not know how to draw inspiration from crises to “make healthy changes,” “unfortunately, the climate crisis is not a worthy issue that interests the great economic powers, they want to get the maximum profit from the minimum cost, and as soon as possible.”
“…the irresponsible way of life associated with the Western model will, in fact, have a significant long-term impact,” hence Pope Francis’ call to “accompany this path of reconciliation with the world that has accepted us and brighten it with our own contribution, because our commitment is associated with personal dignity and great values.”