SACE: Italian Exports Dominated by Three Regions: Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

The undisputed leader, Lombardy, exported products and services worth €163.2 billion in 2023, which is 26% of total Italian exports

SACE, the Italian insurance and financial group controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and specializing in supporting businesses and the national economic structure, has presented a report that analyzes the contribution of Italian regions to trade with “abroad.” In particular, the export potential of Italian companies was studied, deepening a previous study entitled “Where to Export Map.”

According to the SACE analysis presented simultaneously at the “SACE for Made in Italy” event in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Naples, and Venice, the Lombardy region is the first in terms of exports with a 26% share of Italy’s total foreign sales. With almost 850,000 companies, of which about 50,000 are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Lombardy has a strong desire for internationalization. Almost 37% of Lombardy’s GDP comes from exports. In 2023, exports of goods from Lombardy reached 163.2 billion euros, up 0.6% compared to the national figures, which remained unchanged. Milan is the first among the provinces in terms of exports with 58 billion euros worth of goods exported. Next are Bergamo (20.8 billion), Brescia (20.6 billion), Monza-Brianza (13.7 billion), and Varese (12.6 billion).

In second place nationally is the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, home to more than 370,000 companies, including about 20,000 SMEs, which account for almost 14% of total Italian exports. In 2023, Emilia-Romagna’s exports reached 85.1 billion euros, +1.1% compared to 2022. Bologna is the first province in terms of exports (20.3 billion euros), followed by Modena (18.6 billion), Reggio Emilia (14 billion), and Parma (10 billion).

Finally, the SACE announced that the Veneto region ranks third among Italy’s main export territories, from where €81.9 billion worth of goods were shipped abroad in 2024, corresponding to 13.1% of Italian exports. There are about 400,000 enterprises in the region, including 24,687 small and medium-sized enterprises. Exports account for 45.5% of the region’s GDP. Vicenza is the first province in terms of exports (28%), followed by the provinces of Treviso (20%), Verona (19%), and Padua (16%).