USA: Trump Overtakes Biden in Polls for First Time

Donald Trump appears to have overtaken Joe Biden in America’s preference ahead of the next presidential election in November 2024.

According to a Wall Street Journal poll, the number of voters satisfied with the current president has fallen to 37%, the lowest level since he took the White House. 61 percent of those polled have an overall “unfavorable” view of Biden, and less than 30% have a positive view of so-called “Bidenomics,” the economic policies the president is pushing in this legislative round that include major government interventions through subsidies and incentives and an attempt to protect the middle class and the most disadvantaged.

If we went to the polls today, Biden would receive 43% of the vote to Trump’s 47%, a 4-point lead that would increase to 6 points if other independent candidates ran: 37 against 31. The rest would receive potentially 17% of the vote, with former Democrat Robert Kennedy alone receiving 8% of the vote.

Just 23% of voters say Biden’s policies have “improved their lives,” while more than half say they have been harmed. Half of those surveyed, on the contrary, said that Trump’s policies helped.

The Wall Street Journal also adds that while the poll shows clear dissatisfaction among Democrats with Biden, they might still support him if they did face a new challenge against Trump.