Daniele Mancini

Former Italian Ambassador to India and the Holy See
Daniele Mancini

Italian diplomat, served in Washington, Islamabad, Paris, and Baghdad. Ambassador to India, Romania, and the Holy See. Graduated with honors in political science from La Sapienza University of Rome, studied moral philosophy and communication theory and methods at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Author of numerous publications. Among them: Peregrinations of a Restless Conscience for the Return of War in Europe; Prospects of the Political Party System in the United States; The West and the Reformation Process in Eastern Europe; Italian-French Relations Between Industrial Restructuring and the European Single Market; Iraqi Economic Development in the Persian Gulf Dimension. Professor at the Free University of Our Lady of the Ascension.

French academician, political scientist, professor emeritus at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris

Marc Lazar

Analyst at Catholic University

Giorgia Perletta

Historical and strategic analyst

Gianandrea Gaiani

Writer, Journalist, Political Analyst

Martin Sieff

Professor at the London School of Economics

Robert H. Wade

Diplomat, former Italian Ambassador to Madrid, London, and Moscow

Pasquale Quito Terracciano