Gael Giraud

Economist, Director of Research at CNSR (National Center for Scientific Research) in Paris
Gael Giraud

Gael Giraud (1970), economist, Jesuit, has directed the Center for Environmental Justice at Georgetown University in Washington since October 2020. Former chief economist at the French Development Agency. Director of Research at the CNRS, he is member of the Sorbonne Center for Economics, LabExReFi (Laboratory of Excellence dedicated to financial regulation) and the Paris School of Economics. With environmental transition. The book “Finance in the Service of the New Frontier of Economics” received the Lyceum Prize in Economics at his home country and the Biella Prize for Literature and Industry in Italy.

Professor at Democritus University, former Foreign Minister of Greece, independent UN expert

Georgious Katrougalos

Professor Emeritus, Colorado University

Professor Emeritus, Colorado University

Certified financial analyst, financial risk manager, investment performance measurement certifier, economist

Nicola Pasquali

Journalist, correspondent for Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Lorenzo Lamperti

CEO of the major petroleum company of the Russian Federation "Rosneft"

Igor Sechin

Giornalista e scrittore israeliano, opinionista del quotidiano Haaretz

Gideon Levy