Pietro Batacchi

Defense and Security Policy Expert
Pietro Batacchi

Doctor of Research (PhD), Pietro Batacchi is currently Director of RID-Rivista Italiana Difesa, of RID Analytics, a RID Department specialized in research and analyses. Regularly collaborates with the IRAD (Institute for Defense Research and Analysis). Consultant in defense and security policy and lecturer in academic and military institutions. Collaborates with numerous specialized magazines. Commentator on military affairs for international radio and television publications. Former Director of the Ce.S.I. – Center for International Studies.

French academician, political scientist, professor emeritus at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris

Marc Lazar

Analyst at Catholic University

Giorgia Perletta

Historical and strategic analyst

Gianandrea Gaiani

Writer, Journalist, Political Analyst

Martin Sieff

Professor at the London School of Economics

Robert H. Wade

Diplomat, former Italian Ambassador to Madrid, London, and Moscow

Pasquale Quito Terracciano