The US presidential election is eight months away, but everything is already revolving around that deadline. Pending an understanding of who will be the point of contact in Washington, international politics is proceeding at random. At least on the Western Front. Macron, Scholz, and Sunak are in the agony of contradictory and mutually counterproductive activism. Like characters in search of an author. An author who will be sitting in the White House. The prospect of Trump’s return upsets their plans. Squeezing the US, which happened relatively easily under Biden, would require difficult ruptures or embarrassing pirouettes with a returning former president. Meanwhile, Tim Murithi of South Africa explains to us that the other world, the rest of the world, is moving forward independently of the West. Which, despite the lessons of history, is still trying, as Stefano Pilotto tells us, to create new forces in the Balkans.
Alessandro Cassieri
Editor in chief