This is an epochal turning point. And this time the hyperbole is not exaggerated. The United States removes its shield, and the UN passes a resolution demanding that Israel establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu is furious, accusing Biden of retreating from the traditional American position. But what’s surprising is that Trump is also warning Israel. It is in the interest of the United States, seven months before a presidential election, to have an inflammatory Israeli prime minister incapable of appeasement throughout the Middle East. Where the big maneuvers take place. According to Alberto Negri, the leaders of the Muslim world, Riyadh and Tehran, are now more interested in talking to each other than clashing. The realism that in other latitudes seems to elude Argentina’s new president, Milei, who, in order to maintain a shaky popularity, does not hesitate to appeal to the strong nationalist sentiments of Argentines. It comes to the point, emphasizes Francisco Borba Ribeiro Neto, of threatening to reopen the dispute with London over control of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands.
Alessandro Cassieri
Editor in chief