Opinions #18/24

Opinions #18 / 24

In recent weeks, a new perspective on the conflict in Ukraine seems to be gaining momentum. In the West. Assessing the risk of an indefinite continuation of the conflict with Moscow underscores the limits of the arsenal of possibilities. Along with the usual determination to support Kiev, top Euro-Atlantic diplomatic officials have been more cautious. In fact, even new documents about negotiations begun between the Russians and Ukrainians two years ago shed a different light on the interests at stake on the part of Zelensky’s allies. Muscovites, as Thomas Flichy de la Neville recalls here in an interesting review, is similar to that which has haunted the great powers in recent centuries. And new great powers like India – Daniele Mancini predicts in his analysis – will soon make their voice heard on the international stage. By adding more variables to the mosaic with increasingly complex balances.


Alessandro Cassieri
